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Giant SavETH Pool sub-class

This sub-class exposes all the necessary functions required to interact with the Giant Protected Staking pool, which is present as the GiantSavETHVaultPool smart contract of LSD Network. To use this sub-class, it is necessary to initialize the Wizard SDK with signer instance.

batchDepositETHForStaking function

Allows users to stake ETH in batches for different LSD Networks at once. The ETH that has been sitting idle is sent to the Protected Staking Pools of respective LSD Networks when this function is called by the node runner. A node runner should be on a look out and can use the funds if his LSD Network's Protected Staking Pool is falling short of ETH.

Input params

savETHVaultAddresses: List of address of Protected Staking pool of different LSD Networks
amounts: List of number of ETH being set to each of the Protected Staking Pools
blsPublicKeys: 2 dimensional array of BLS public keys of specific LSD Network to receive ETH for staking
stakeAmounts: 2 dimensional array of number of ETH being sent to each of the BLS public keys
ethValue: Total ETH sent along with the transaction

Using the function

await wizard.giantSavETHPool.batchDepositETHForStaking(savETHVaultAddresses, amounts, blsPublicKeys, stakeAmounts, ethValue);

withdrawDETH function

Allow a user to burn their Giant Protected Staking LP token in exchange of dETH that is ready to withdraw from a set of Protected Staking Pools of LSD Networks.

Input params

savETHVaultAddresses: List of Protected Staking Pools to withdraw dETH from
lpTokens: 2 dimensional array of addresses of LP tokens to burn in exchange of dETH
amounts: 2 dimensional array of number of LP tokens to be burnt

Using the function

await wizard.giantSavETHPool.withdrawDETH(savETHVaultAddresses, lpTokens, amounts);

bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool function

Any ETH that has not been utilized by a Protected Staking Pool can be brought back into the Giant Protected Staking Pool.

Input params

savETHVaultAddresses: List of Protected Staking Pools to bring idle ETH from
lpToken: 2 dimensional array of LP tokens that the Giant Protected Staking Pool holds which represents ETH in a Protected Staking Pool
amounts: 2 dimensional array of amount of ETH to be brought back to the Giant Protected Staking Pool

Using the function

await wizard.giantSavETHPool.bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool(savETHVaultAddresses, lpToken, amounts);

depositETH function

Allow users to deposit ETH into the Giant Protected Staking Pool in exchange of Giant LP tokens. The LP tokens maintain 1:1 ratio with ETH as long as the ETH is not staked. Once staked, user start earning rewards and their LP tokens can be burnt to get dETH.

Input params

amount: Amount of ETH to deposit
ethValue: Amount of ETH attached with the transaction

Using the function

await wizard.giantSavETHPool.depositETH(amount, ethValue);

getIdleETH function

Fetch the number of idle ETH sitting in the pool.

Using the function

await wizard.giantSavETHPool.getIdleETH();


Number of idle ETH in Big Numbers.

withdrawETH function

Allow users to burn LP tokens and get back the ETH they deposited in case the ETH has not been staked yet.

Input params

amount: Number of LP tokens to be burnt

Using the function

await wizard.giantSavETHPool.withdrawETH(amount);