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cip sub-class

The following readme describes all the functions and their parameters exposed by the cip class of the Stakehouse SDK.

generateAESCredentials function

This function allows users to generate hybrid AES credentials.

Using generateAESCredentials function

await sdk.cip.generateAESCredentials();

Return Parameter

Hybrid public key and hybrid private key

formAESKeystore function

This function allows users to create hybrid keystore protected by their password.

Input Parameters

hybridPrivateKey: hybrid private key to form the keystore
password: password to protect the keystore

Using formAESKeystore function

await sdk.cip.formAESKeystore(hybridPrivateKey, password);

Return Parameter

Returns the keystore

formBLSKeystore function

This function allows users to create a BLS keystore, protected by a password, for their BLS signing key.

Input Parameters

blsSigningKey: BLS singing key to form the keystore
password: password to protect the keystore

Using formBLSKeystore function

await sdk.cip.formBLSKeystore(blsSigningKey, password);

Return Parameter

Returns the keystore

unlockBLSKeystore function

This function allows users to unlock their BLS keystore and get the BLS private key and public key.

Input Parameters

keystore: BLS keystore
password: password of BLS Keystore

Using unlockBLSKeystore function

await sdk.cip.unlockBLSKeystore(keystore, password);

Return Parameter

Returns the BLS private key and public key

validateBLSKeystore function

This function allows users to validate the BLS keystore.

Input Parameters

keystore: BLS keystore
password: password of BLS Keystore
blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key

Using validateBLSKeystore function

await sdk.cip.validateBLSKeystore(keystore, password, blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns true if the provided BLS public key matches the public key of the BLS keystore. If the password is incorrect, it throws error.

unlockAESPrivateKey function

This function allows users to unlock AES keystore only if the BLS public key is associated with the AES keystore.

Input Parameters

keystore: AES keystore
password: password of AES Keystore
blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key

Using unlockAESPrivateKey function

await sdk.cip.unlockAESPrivateKey(keystore, password, blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the AES private key.

formCIPCiphertext function

This function allows users to form ciphertext for CIP procedure.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key

Using formCIPCiphertext function

await sdk.cip.formCIPCiphertext(blsPrivateKey)

Return Parameter

Returns ciphertext.

reEncrypt function

This function allows users to form a new ciphertext and encrypt the signing key for the Ethereum network.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT
stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address of the KNOT
blsKeystore: BLS keystore associated with the blsPublicKey
blsKeystorePassword: password of the BLS keystore

Using reEncrypt function

await sdk.cip.reEncrypt(blsPublicKey, stakehouseAddress, blsKeystore, blsKeystorePassword);

Return Parameter

Returns transaction data.

isReEncryptionCompleted function

This function allows users to know the status of re-encryption.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT

Using isReEncryptionCompleted function

await sdk.cip.isReEncryptionCompleted(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns true if status is completed, otherwise false.

applyForDecryption function

This function allows users to apply for the decryption procedure.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT
stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address of the KNOT
aesPublicKey: AES public key

Using applyForDecryption function

await sdk.cip.applyForDecryption(blsPublicKey, stakehouseAddress, aesPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the transaction data.

getRequestAvailabilityBlock function

This function allows users to get the block at which request can be made for the specific BLS public key.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT

Using getRequestAvailabilityBlock function

await sdk.cip.getRequestAvailabilityBlock(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the block number in case of delay, 0 otherwise.

getPartialDecryptionPieces function

This function allows users to fetch partial decryption pieces.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT
aesPublicKey: AES public key

Using getPartialDecryptionPieces function

await sdk.cip.getPartialDecryptionPieces(blsPublicKey, aesPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns all the decryption pieces.

getAllGuardians function

This function allows the users to get all the guardians of the CIP procedure.

Using getAllGuardians function

await sdk.cip.getAllGuardians();

Return Parameter

Returns the list of guardians

getThreshold function

This function allows users to get the threshold number of guardians required to carry out a successful CIP procedure.

Using getThreshold function

await sdk.cip.getThreshold();

Return Parameter

Returns the threshold.

getAESPublicKeyfromPrivateKey function

This function allows the users to derive hybrid public key from their hybrid private key.

Input Parameters

hybridPrivateKey: hybrid private key

Using getAESPublicKeyfromPrivateKey function

await sdk.cip.getAESPublicKeyfromPrivateKey(hybridPrivateKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the AES hybrid key

aggregateSharedPrivateKeys function

This function allows the users to collect the aggregated partial decryption solutions.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT
hybridPrivateKey: hybrid private key

Using aggregateSharedPrivateKeys function

await sdk.cip.aggregateSharedPrivateKeys(hybridPrivateKey, blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the decrypted data, or false in case of error.

getDecryptionState function

This function allows the users to track the stages of decryption process.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT

Using getDecryptionState function

await sdk.cip.getDecryptionState(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns 4 if decryption has completed, 3 if in process, 2 if request available, and 1 if re-encryption needed.

getSafeBox function

This function allows users to get contract instance of the Safe Box.

Using getSafeBox function

await sdk.cip.getSafeBox();

Return Parameter

Returns the contract instance.

decryptionEligibilityChecks function

This function allows users to check the eligibility for decryption.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT
stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address of the KNOT (Optional parameter).
safeBox: safeBox contract instance (Optional parameter).

Using decryptionEligibilityChecks function

await sdk.cip.decryptionEligibilityChecks(blsPublicKey, stakehouseAddress=null, safeBox=null);

Return Parameter

Returns true if eligible, otherwise throws error