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multipartyRagequit sub-class

The following readme describes all the functions and their parameters exposed by the multipartyRageQuit class of the Stakehouse SDK.

signRageQuitRequest function

This function allows users to sign a multi-party Rage Quit request. During the multiparty Rage Quit, each of the participants must generate a signature. The same function can also be used to generate signatures for the Stakehouse kick process.

Input Parameters

stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address of the KNOT that wants to Rage Quit
blsPublicKey: BLS Public key of the KNOT
recipient: the Ethereum execution layer address that will receive the unstaked ETH after rage quit and after the withdrawal is triggered
deadline: deadline for the validity of the generated signature
stakehouseKick: Boolean. If the signature being generated is for a multiparty Rage Quit, then this can be left null or false. Otherwise, for Stakehouse kick, it should be provided as true.

Using signRageQuitRequest function

await sdk.multipartyRageQuit.signRageQuitRequest(stakehouseAddress, blsPublicKey, recipient, deadline, signatureHolder, stakehouseKick=null);

Return Parameter

Returns the signature.

multipartyRageQuit function

This function allows users to multi-party Rage Quit or a Stakehouse to Stakehouse kick a KNOT.

Input Parameters

stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address of the KNOT that wants to Rage Quit
ethRecipient: Ethereum execution layer address of the receiver of all the funds after Rage Quit is successful
freeFloatingSlotOwner: Ethereum execution layer address of the free floating SLOT owner
authenticatedReport: report returned by the authenticateReport function
reportAndTokenHolderSignatures: List of signatures of all the participants in correct order. The order is ROUTER, FREE_FLOATING_SLOT_OWNER, SAVETH_INDEX_OWNER, COLLATERALISDED_SLOT_OWNER.
ethValue: ETH to be paid for the payable function
stakehouseKick: null or false for multiparty Rage Quit, true for Stakehouse kick

Using multipartyRageQuit function

await sdk.multipartyRageQuit.multipartyRageQuit(stakehouseAddress, ethRecipient, freeFloatingSlotOwner, authenticatedReport, reportAndTokenHolderSignatures, ethValue, stakehouseKick=null);

Return Parameter

Returns the transaction data.