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utils sub-class

The following readme describes all the functions and their parameters exposed by the utils class of the Stakehouse SDK.

checkKeystorePass function

This function allows to validate the password being provided to with the keystore file.

Input Parameters

password: String provided by the user for the keystore file

Using checkKeystorePass function

await sdk.utils.checkKeystorePass(password);

Return Parameter

Returns boolean values. If the password is valid, it returns true, otherwise false.

add0x function

add0x function checks if a parameter has 0x in front, if not, then it adds it.

Input Parameters

data: String, Buffer or Object where 0x may be needed

Using add0x function

await sdk.utils.add0x(data);

Return Parameter

Returns data with 0x in front.

remove0x function

remove0x function checks if a parameter has 0x in front, if yes, then it removes it.

Input Parameters

data: String, Buffer or Object where 0x shouldn't be

Using remove0x function

await sdk.utils.remove0x(data);

Return Parameter

Returns data without 0x in front.

getPersonalSignInitials function

It is used to sign a message containing blsPublicKey, blsSignature, lifecycleStatus and deadline which makes sure that that the message signer is the owner or the representative of the provided blsPublicKey. This method is a crucial step for the deposit router to stake and create a validator.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of user
blsSignature: BLS Signature corresponding to the BLS Public Key
account: ETH1 account address corresponding to the BLS Public Key

Using getPersonalSignInitials function

await sdk.utils.getPersonalSignInitials(blsPublicKey, blsSignature, account);

Return Parameter

Returns a JSON data comprising of JSON message, hex of the JSON message, and signature of the hex.

generateCredentials function

It is used to generate BLS credentials (deposit data file and the keystore) protected by the user provided password. It also provides an option to store the generated files in the user provided location. It is an optional feature to write the generated BLS keystore to a specific location on the file system. However, such a feature is not available from the browser.

Input Parameters

password: User's password

Using generateCredentials function

await sdk.utils.generateCredentials(password);

Return Parameter

Returns a JSON data comprising of depositObject and keystore.

"depositObject": [
"pubkey": "9584423b45c1d8919fdc0caec208b72a11ee0582790a49f97364fb6...",
"withdrawal_credentials": "010000000000000000000000f847b44695d33e9...",
"amount": 32000000000,
"signature": "a531bf2f681a442df6cfb72999534af919fef5af51f4c29e8905...",
"deposit_message_root": "3805f963284b308fc274fed64062c61995113feb3...",
"deposit_data_root": "25aa910ceb901858c76add081c3aa45fb60414e7ea99...",
"fork_version": "00001020",
"eth2_network_name": "prater",
"deposit_cli_version": "1.2.0"
"keystore": {
"version": 4,
"uuid": "c7534e8b-445e-4697-a554-125af3354e6d",
"path": "m/12381/60/0/0",
"pubkey": "9584423b45c1d8919fdc0caec208b72a11ee0582790a49f97364fb650...",
"crypto": {
"kdf": {
"function": "pbkdf2",
"params": {
"dklen": 32,
"c": 262144,
"prf": "hmac-sha256",
"salt": "81c430ea7f43ee3a527d8282e758a01545902842849e637f27770..."
"message": ""
"checksum": {
"function": "sha256",
"params": {},
"message": "e4180d47bd4de58452189048e4d1862eb8a2c98fabcad1acb5a7..."
"cipher": {
"function": "aes-128-ctr",
"params": {
"iv": "4379bdef0f24af9a12f9e071c6db60e3"
"message": "ed1e79d52b7aaa22965158deb330f57b21a8f7bcbeb3752b2a73..."

getValidatorLifecycleStatus function

It returns the lifecycle status of the validator.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the Validator

Using getValidatorLifecycleStatus function

await sdk.utils.getValidatorLifecycleStatus(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns lifecycle status of the validator which can range from 0 to 4.

  • UNBEGUN = 0
  • EXITED = 4

formDepositDataRoot function

It is used to form DepositData SSZ object required by Ethereum Foundation deposit contract. The exact fields are specified in the Beacon Chain spec found here.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key
blsSignature: BLS Signature

Using formDepositDataRoot function

await sdk.utils.formDepositDataRoot(blsPublicKey, blsSignature);

Return Parameter

Returns depositData.

getLastDepositIndex function

It is used to get the last deposit Index.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the Validator

Using getLastDepositIndex function

await sdk.utils.getLastDepositIndex(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the last deposit index.

getDETHBalanceInIndex function

This function allows users to fetch their dETH balance in the Index.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key

Using getDETHBalanceInIndex function

await sdk.utils.getDETHBalanceInIndex(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the dETH balance

getSLOTBalanceInVault function

This function allows users to fetch their collateralised SLOT balance.

Input Parameters

stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address of the KNOT
userAddress: Ethereum execution layer address of the user
blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT

Using getSLOTBalanceInVault function

await sdk.utils.getSLOTBalanceInVault(stakehouseAddress, userAddress, blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the collateralised SLOT balance in Big Numbers

getsETHAddress function

This function allows users to get the sETH token address. sETH address differs for every Stakehouse.

Input Parameters

stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address of the KNOT

Using getsETHAddress function

await sdk.utils.getsETHAddress(stakehouseAddress);

Return Parameter

Returns the sETH address.

getsETHBalance function

This function allows users to fetch their sETH balance.

Input Parameters

stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address of the KNOT
userAddress: Ethereum execution layer address of the user

Using getsETHBalance function

await sdk.utils.getsETHBalance(stakehouseAddress, userAddress);

Return Parameter

Returns the sETH balance in Big Numbers

getGenericERC20WalletBalance function

This function allows users to get the balance of any ERC-20 token they hold in their wallet.

Input Parameters

tokenAddress: ERC-20 token address
userAddress: Ethereum execution layer address of the user

Using getGenericERC20WalletBalance function

await sdk.utils.getGenericERC20WalletBalance(tokenAddress, userAddress);

Return Parameter

Returns the ERC-20 balance for a particular token that the user hold.

currentSlashedAmountOfSLOTForKnot function

This function allows users to know the amount of SLOTs slashed for a particular KNOT.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT

Using currentSlashedAmountOfSLOTForKnot function

await sdk.utils.currentSlashedAmountOfSLOTForKnot(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the amount of SLOTs slashed for a particular KNOT.

calculateExitFee function

This function allows users to know the amount of ETH required to exit the Stakehouse.

Input Parameters

authenticatedReport: Report returned by the authenticateReport function

Using calculateExitFee function

await sdk.utils.calculateExitFee(authenticatedReport);

Return Parameter

Returns the exit fees in Big Numbers.

getNumberOfCollateralisedSlotOwnersForKnot function

This function allows users to know the number of collateralised owners for a KNOT. If a KNOT has been slashed and some other user tops up this KNOT, then the other user becomes a collateralised owner of this KNOT.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT

Using getNumberOfCollateralisedSlotOwnersForKnot function

await sdk.utils.getNumberOfCollateralisedSlotOwnersForKnot(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the number of owners for a KNOT in Big Numbers.

getStakehouseRedemptionRate function

This function allows users to fetch the redemption rate for any Stakehouse. Learn more about SLOT tokens (sETH) here.

Input Parameters

stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address for which the user wants to know the redemption rate of

Using getStakehouseRedemptionRate function

await sdk.utils.getStakehouseRedemptionRate(stakehouseAddress);

Return Parameter

Returns the redemption rate for a stakehouse.

getStakehouseExchangeRate function

This function allows users to get the exchange rate for a Stakehouse. The exchange rate works between sETH and SLOT. Learn more about SLOT tokens (sETH) here.

Input Parameters

stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address that the user wants to get the exchange rate of

Using getStakehouseExchangeRate function

await sdk.utils.getStakehouseExchangeRate(stakehouseAddress);

Return Parameter

Returns the exchange rate of a stakehouse.

getStakehouseSETHRedemptionThreshold function

This function allows users to get the redemption threshold for sETH for a particular Stakehouse. The redemption threshold is the total number of collateralised sETH a user must hold across all KNOTs in a house in order to Rage Quit. It is equal to 4 SLOT * redemption rate.

Input Parameters

stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address

Using getStakehouseSETHRedemptionThreshold function

await sdk.utils.getStakehouseSETHRedemptionThreshold(stakehouseAddress);

Return Parameter

Returns the sETH redemption threshold.

getTotalUserCollateralisedSETHBalanceInHouse function

This function allows users to fetch the collateralised sETH balance for a Stakehouse.

Input Parameters

stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address
userAddress: Ethereum execution layer address

Using getTotalUserCollateralisedSETHBalanceInHouse function

await sdk.utils.getTotalUserCollateralisedSETHBalanceInHouse(stakehouseAddress, userAddress);

Return Parameter

Returns the sETH balance for the Stakehouse.

totalFundsInKNOTQueue function

This function allows users to fetch the ETH amount in the queue. The queue will have a non zero amount of ETH for a given knot if SLOT has been topped up and the aggregate of the top ups are less than 1 ETH.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT

Using totalFundsInKNOTQueue function

await sdk.utils.totalFundsInKNOTQueue(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the balance in Big Numbers.

associatedIndexIdForKnot function

This function allows users to find the primary index for a KNOT.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public of the KNOT

Using associatedIndexIdForKnot function

await sdk.utils.associatedIndexIdForKnot(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the index ID for the KNOT in Big Numbers.

rageQuitChecks function

This function allows users to check if a particular KNOT is eligible to Rage Quit.

Input Parameters

stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address of the KNOT
userAddress: Ethereum execution layer address of the user (to whom the KNOT belongs)
authenticatedReport: report returned by the authenticateReport function

Using rageQuitChecks function

await sdk.utils.rageQuitChecks(stakehouseAddress, userAddress, authenticatedReport);

Return Parameter

Returns true if the KNOT is eligible to Rage Quit. Otherwise, it throws an error.

indexIdToOwner function

This function allows the user to fetch the owner of an index.

Input Parameters

indexID: savETH index ID

Using indexIdToOwner function

await sdk.utils.indexIdToOwner(indexID);

Return Parameter

Returns index owner's address.

isBalanceLower function

This function allows the user to check if the KNOT's balance is below the last known balance.

Input Parameters

beaconNodeURL: Beacon Node URL
blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT

Using isBalanceLower function

await sdk.utils.isBalanceLower(beaconNodeURL, blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns an object which contains result, metadata and report.
result: boolean. true if the balance is lower and false otherwise
metadata: object containing the last known balance and current balance
report: authenticated balance report.

dETHToSavETH function

This function allows the users to find the equivalent amount of savETH for their dETH tokens.

Input Parameters

amount: amount of dETH tokens

Using dETHToSavETH function

await sdk.utils.dETHToSavETH(amount);

Return Parameter

Returns the equivalent amount of savETH in Big Numbers.

savETHToDETH function

This function allows the user to get the equivalent amount of dETH for their savETH.

Input Parameters

amount: amount of savETH tokens

Using savETHToDETH function

await sdk.utils.savETHToDETH(amount);

Return Parameter

Returns the savETH amount in Big Numbers.

dETHRewardsMintedForKNOT function

This function allows user to fetch the dETH rewards for a particular KNOT

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT

Using dETHRewardsMintedForKNOT function

await sdk.utils.dETHRewardsMintedForKNOT(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the amount of dETH rewards minted in Big Numbers.

dETHRequiredForIsolation function

This function helps the user to calculate the dETH required to isolate the KNOT.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT

Using dETHRequiredForIsolation function

await sdk.utils.dETHRequiredForIsolation(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the dETH amount in Big Numbers.

savETHRequiredForIsolation function

This function allows users to calculate the amount of savETH required to isolate a KNOT.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT

Using savETHRequiredForIsolation function

await sdk.utils.savETHRequiredForIsolation(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the amount in Big Numbers.

getKNOTNonce function

This function allows users to get the nonce for a KNOT.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT

Using getKNOTNonce function

await sdk.utils.getKNOTNonce(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the nonce.

getLastKnownReportForKNOT function

This function allows users to get the last Balance Report for a KNOT.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT

Using getLastKnownReportForKNOT function

await sdk.utils.getLastKnownReportForKNOT(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the Balance Report object.

updateSavETHIndexName function

This function allows the user to update the name of their savETH index.

Input Parameters

indexID: index ID of user's index
name: new name for the index

Using updateSavETHIndexName function

await sdk.utils.updateSavETHIndexName(indexID, name);

Return Parameter

Returns the transaction data

topUpSlashedSlot function

This function allows users to top-up a KNOT that has been leaking.

Input Parameters

stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address of the KNOT
blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT
recipient: Ethereum execution layer address of the recipient of the collateralised SLOT
amount: number of slashed SLOTs to top-up. (0 < amount <= slashed SLOTs)
ethValue: ETH to be provided to the function.

Using topUpSlashedSlot function

await sdk.utils.topUpSlashedSlot(stakehouseAddress, blsPublicKey, recipient, amount, ethValue);

Return Parameter

Returns the transaction data

topUpSlashedSlotWithOneEth function

This function allows users to top-up slashed KNOTs with 1 ETH.

Input Parameters

stakehouseAddress: Stakehouse address of the KNOT
blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT
recipient: Ethereum execution layer address of the depositor of KNOT

Using topUpSlashedSlotWithOneEth function

await sdk.utils.topUpSlashedSlotWithOneEth(stakehouseAddress, blsPublicKey, recipient);

Return Parameter

Returns the transaction data.

topUpKNOT function

This function allows users to top-up any KNOT.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT
ethValue: amount of ETH to top-up the KNOT

Using topUpKNOT function

await sdk.utils.topUpKNOT(blsPublicKey, ethValue);

Return Parameter

Returns the transaction data.

topUpKNOTWithOneEth function

This function allows users to top-up any KNOT with 1 ETH.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT.

Using topUpKNOTWithOneEth function

await sdk.utils.topUpKNOTWithOneEth(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the transaction data.

dETHMetadata function

This function allows the users to get the metadata related to dETH such as dETH in circulation and dETH in Open Index.

Using dETHMetadata function

await sdk.utils.dETHMetadata();

Return Parameter

Returns the metadata.

getStakehouse function

This function allows users to fetch the Stakehouse address for any KNOT

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT.

Using getStakehouse function

await sdk.utils.getStakehouse(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns the Stakehouse address if the KNOT exists in the Stakehouse Universe. Otherwise, zero address is returned.

isPartOfStakehouse function

This function allows users to check if the KNOT is a part of Stakehouse universe or not.

Input Parameters

blsPublicKey: BLS Public Key of the KNOT.

Using isPartOfStakehouse function

await sdk.utils.isPartOfStakehouse(blsPublicKey);

Return Parameter

Returns boolean. true if the KNOT exists, false otherwise.