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Industry Resources

On this page, we provide a curated list of helpful industry resources about ETH staking. The information below is segmented into three categories: Liquid Staking, Solo Staking, and Node Running.

Click Here to view the official Ethereum Staking guide.

Liquid Staking

Liquid Staking is a mechanism that enables people to stake any amount of ETH and earn yield. This process requires people to deposit their ETH with a liquid staking service in exchange for liquid tokens that represent their staked ETH. Ownership of these liquid tokens allows the liquid stakers to receive their share of staking rewards and revenue. There are both decentralized and centralized liquid staking solutions.

Keep in mind that not every Liquid staking solution is the same nor adheres to the principle of staked liquidity. Instead, many solutions simply facilitate decentralized node runner services for ETH stakers. This is not the case for Stakehouse, for it is a liquid stake aggregation and abstraction protocol for minting liquid "staked ETH" for its users.

Click here to view the official Ethereum Liquid Staking guide.

Stakehouse Liquid Staking Platform:

Ethereum Liquid Staking Analytics & Research:

Solo Staking

Solo staking is the act of running an Ethereum node connected to the internet and depositing 32 ETH to activate a validator, giving you the ability to participate directly in network consensus. Solo staking increases the decentralization of the Ethereum network, making Ethereum more censorship-resistant and robust against attacks. Solo staking is the best staking option for securing Ethereum. A solo staker receives rewards directly from the protocol for keeping their validator properly functioning and online.

Solo stakers are responsible for operating the hardware needed to run their node(s). It is highly recommended to use a dedicated machine for this that you operate from home–this is extremely beneficial to the health of the network (learn more about nodes in the Node Running section below).

Click Here to view the official Ethereum Solo Staking guide.

Stakehouse Solo Staking Platforms & Tools:

Solo Staking Guides:

Solo Staking Communities:

Solo Staking Explorers & Analytics:

Node Running

An Ethereum node consists of both an execution layer (EL) client, as well as a consensus layer (CL) client. These clients are software that work together, along with a valid set of signing keys, to verify transactions and blocks, attest to the correct head of the chain, aggregate attestations, and propose blocks. There are both hardware and software solutions that allow you to manage your node clients and stake Ethereum validators.

Click Here to view the official Ethereum Node Running Guide.

It’s important to understand that client diversity is crucial to the integrity of the Ethereum network. Before choosing which node clients to use, check out the Client Diversity Live Report.

Execution Layer Clients:

Consensus Layer Clients:

Node Platforms:

Node Set-Up Guides: