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The Basics

Stakehouse Monitoring can be accessed by visiting the Stakehouse Monitoring page. This tool will become the one-stop destination for all things related to managing assets such as Index and validators. The tool deals with monitoring of savETH related properties which mostly take into account indexes that validators are part of and the rewards earned by them in the form of dETH. To learn more about how the savETH Indexes work and how dETH rewards are minted as well as their relation with the other tokens head over to (Link To Stakehouse Documentation).

The Stakehouse Monitoring page contains two tabs. The first tab displays LSD Network Indexes ranked in order from highest to lowest based on the total dETH minted by the validators in the networks. The second tab displays the Stakehouse Leaderboard for all indexes across the Stakehouse protocol.

Users can click on an index to view its Index Details page. This page displays dashboard information for both the index and its individual validators, providing a multi-layer scope into an index’s performance atomic to the validator level.