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Why Stakehouse Monitoring

Unlike the usual analytics dashboard, Stakehouse monitoring provides both monitoring and threat detection insights for staked ETH managed by the Stakehouse protocol. The Stakehouse protocol is a ground-up architecture suite of registry smart contracts. These contracts enable off-chain muted datasets as OUTXO which gives more precision on contract storage, token balance, and ownership reconciliation without any on-chain interaction. The smart contracts are structured to give more programmable inventory isolation capabilities and greater capital efficiency for restaked validator balances. The contracts also issue ERC20 tokens with a custom risk profile.

The Stakehouse protocol intends to extend Ethereum PoS monetary and security to its roll-up ecosystem and wider ecosystem tooling such as Data availability layers, light clients, and relayers. We believe that reusing the most secure and largest decentralized computing network, Ethereum, will provide a resilient fallback for other networks to bootstrap their secure base while sourcing liquidity from staked ETH with protected yield. Stakehouse acts as a base layer for any protocol to rely on LSD networks for their custom needs sourcing tokenized network security and staked ETH yield liquidity.

Our products are designed to simplify the complexities of blockchain primitives and make them easy to use. Stakehouse monitoring is an EASY MODE tooling feature designed for normal Ethereum users. It provides them with a simple and transparent dashboard for understanding their validator, node runner, and LSD network performance. Users can also use this dashboard to check for contract issues or inventory/liquidity issues on a tri-state scale (green/amber/red).

Stakehouse Monitoring is a deployment of Stakehouse protocol formal rules that keep the staked ETH Validator in check and ensure parity at all times. You may read the Formal Verification Report to see more on rules and invariants within the stakehouse protocol.

Since Stakehouse monitoring is a publicly verifiable data source, DeFi protocols can use it for threat detection and anomalies within the Stakehouse’s protocol inventory management of Consensus layer validator balances. It acts as a unified, structured dataset of stakehouse protocol state and Consensus layer validator states. This enables protocols and ecosystem tooling to access publicly verifiable data sourced exclusively from the Ethereum node source. This data is attested by Ethereum consensus and can reconcile with any other node data.

The dashboard is designed to give users access to key performance metrics about their validators and indexes with minimal technical knowledge. This helps ensure every staker and node operator has access to the necessary information to make decisions on their projected Net Asset Value and proof of staked collateral. At the same time, it serves as a performance dashboard and provides critical information for large players to maintain proper compliance on their portfolio tracking and reporting. The tool also presents a leaderboard that displays the highest earning indexes. It is an effective tool benchmarking earning standards for, which node operators should strive to achieve.

Users can now access real-time information about their validator's performance 24/7, 365 days a year, compiled and organized into an intuitive monitoring intelligence dashboard.