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Index Dashboard

The first dashboard on the Index Details page displays a cumulative view of all validators held in an index, providing information about the index’s yield performance, asset status (dETH & savETH), and unique details. This transparency is useful to any index stakeholder who wants to monitor an index’s performance or compare it to the Open Index. Below is a breakdown of the features and metrics available in this dashboard:

  1. Total Rewards Earned - The aggregate amount of dETH that has been earned by all the validators in the index. This figure captures the overall rewards accumulated by the index thus far.

  2. Total Assets in the Index - The total amount of dETH & savETH in the selected index. This metric helps users easily monitor and track both assets at any given time.

  3. Current Index Yield - The current aggregate yield rate of all the validators in the selected index. This metric allows users to monitor and track the yield performance of an index at any moment in time.

  4. Index Yield Chart - The charting tool that displays yield over time for both the selected index and the Open Index. This chart can be viewed in hourly, daily, and weekly timeframes. This feature is extremely useful because it allows users to compare the yield performance of the selected index against the default index for savETH.

  5. Index Search Field - Quick search feature that lets users select specific indexes to view. This feature makes it very easy for users to switch between indexes when comparing performance information.

  6. Other Details - The unique information associated with the selected index. These details include:

    • Index ID - The custom ID number associated with the index.

    • Validators in the Index - the number of validators in the index that have minted their derivatives. This also includes savETH which has been curated into the selected index.

    • Contract Exchange Rate - The selected index’s current dETH to savETH ratio based on consensus layer on-chain verifiable data. This metric is helpful because it indicates how much of a difference there is between the index’s last reported yield rate and the current yield rate.

      Contract Exchange Rate = dETH / savETH (from Balance Report)

    • Live Exchange Rate - The selected index’s current dETH to savETH ratio based on consensus layer on-chain verifiable data. This metric is helpful because it indicates how much of a difference there is between the index’s last reported yield rate and the current yield rate.

      Live Exchange Rate = dETH / savETH (from Beacon Chain)

    • Index Yield Rate - The seven day moving average of all validators' yields within the index.

    • All Indexes - The seven day moving average of all indexes' yields.

    • Redemption Rate - The amount of sETH required to burn per SLOT token in the LSD Network. In other words, it represents delta increase against the exchange rate when there is leakage.